Bibliographical References

Some important references in the following domains of research are provided in this web-page:

Sinosphere: brushtalk

Brushtalk: source materials

·  山口忠居 1764:《和韓醫話》。藏於日本國立公文書館内閣文庫。

·  山田正珍 1764:《桑韓筆語》。藏於日本國立國會圖書館。於2018114日存取自

·王寶平(主編) 2016《日本藏晚清中日朝筆談資料──大河內文書》[Late Qing Brushtalk data between Chinese, Japanese and Koreans from Japan:  Ookouchi Documents]。杭州:浙江古籍出版社

·  丹羽正伯 1748:《兩東筆語》。藏於日本國立公文書館内閣文庫。

·  安田義方 1824:《朝鮮漂流日記》(全七冊)。藏於神戸大學附屬圖書館。於2018114日存取自

·  佚名 1617:《醫學疑問》。

·  佚名 1624:《答朝鮮醫問》。藏於日本内閣文庫。

·  鄭敬先、楊禮壽 2005:《醫林撮要》。北京:科學技術文獻出版社。

Sinosphere: medical exchange

·  梁永宣 2000:〈王應遴與《答朝鮮醫問》〉[Wang Yinglin and his answer to the questions of a Korean physician],《中華醫史雜誌》,第2期,第6972頁。於2018114日存取自

·  梁永宣 2001:〈《醫學疑問》與《答朝鮮醫問》比較研究〉,《中國中醫基礎醫學雜誌》,第2期,第6769頁。於2018114日存取自

·  梁永宣 2001:〈朝鮮《醫林撮要》所載中朝醫學交流史料研究〉[Yī lín cuò yào (Essentials of Medical Works) and its historical materials of medical exchanges between China and Korea],《中華醫史雜誌》,第1期,第1720頁。於2018114日存取自

·  梁永宣 2004:〈清末金德鑒與日本岡田篁所的學術交流〉,《中華醫史雜誌》,第3期,第184186頁。於2018114日存取自

· 梁永宣、真柳誠 2005:〈岡田篁所と清末の日中医学交流史料〉[Okada Kousho and historical material of medical exchange between Japan and China in the last part of the Qing dynasty],《日本医史学雑誌》,第1期,第2549頁。於2018114日存取自

Sinosphere: cultural contact and political contact

·  Bloom, Irene, and Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果 (Eds). 1997. Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Honor of Wing-Tsit Chan and William Theodore. New York: Columbia University Press.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果 (Ed.). 1997. Japanese Travelogues of China in the 1920s: The Accounts of Akutagawa Ryūnosuke and Tanizaki Jun'ichirō. New York: M. E. Sharpe.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果 (Ed.). 2004. Late Qing China and Meiji Japan: Political and Cultural Aspects of Their Interactions. Norwalk: EastBridge Books.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果 (Ed.). 2006. Traditions of East Asian Travel. Oxford, Net York: Berghahn Books.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果 (Ed.). 2007. Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950. Norwalk: EastBridge Books.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 1989. Japanese literary travelers in prewar China. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 49(2): 575−602.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 1995. The Cultural Dimension of Sino-Japanese Relations: Essays on the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. New York: M. E. Sharpe.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 1996. The Literature of Travel in the Japanese Rediscovery of China, 1862-1945. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 2000. Preface. Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations: Irredentism and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, ed. by Unryu Suganuma, ix−x. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 2005. Series editors preface. Beyond the Bronze Pillars: Envoy Poetry and the Sino-Vietnamese Relationship, ed. by Liam C. Kelley, ix−x. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 2009. Articulating the Sinosphere: Sino-Japanese Relations in Space and Time. Harvard: Harvard University Press.

·  傅佛果 1996:〈日中関係とアメリカ〉[Sino-Japanese relations and the United States],載於池田誠、副島昭一、倉橋正直、西村成雄 主編《世界のなかの日中関係》,京都:法律文化社,第240247頁。

Sinosphere: literacy

·  Baxter, James C., and Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果 (Eds). 2007. Writing Histories in Japan: Texts and Their Transformations from Ancient Times Through the Meiji Era. Kyōto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果 (Ed.). 2015. The Emergence of the Modern Sino-Japanese Lexicon. Leiden: Brill.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 2002. Chinese understanding of the Japanese language from Ming to Qing. Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period, ed. by Joshua A. Fogel 傅佛果, 63−87. Norwalk: EastBridge Books.

·  Fogel, Joshua A. 傅佛果. 2017. Japanese for Sinologists: A Reading Primer with Glossaries and Translations. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Sinosphere: ship drifting

·  金秀慧 2018:〈《朝鮮漂流日記》研究〉[A study of "Chōsen Hyōryū Nikki"]。浙江工商大學碩士論文。

Code-mixing, Code-switching and Language Contact

Lexical Borrowing

Writing Cantonese

Digitalized Scholarship in Buddhist Studies

Natural Language Processing

Social Network

Corpus Linguistics

Computer-Aided Language Learning

Data-Driven Learning

Second Language Acquisition

Contrasting Cantonese and Mandarin

上古漢語形態學 Morphology in Archaic Chinese

粵語句末助詞 Sentence Final Particles in Cantonese


·         Bauer, Robert S. & Paul K. Benedict. 1997. Modern Cantonese phonology. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

·         Hansell, Mark. 2002. Functional answers to structural problems in thinking about writing. In Mary S. Erbaugh (ed.), Difficult characters: Interdisciplinary studies of Chinese and Japanese, 124–176. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University National East Asian Language Resource Center.

·         Li, David C. S. & Virginia Costa. 2009. Punning in Hong Kong Chinese media: Forms and functions. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 37(1). 77–107.

·         Tsou, Benjamin K. 1976. Homophony and internal change in Chinese. Computational Analyses of Asian and African Languages 3. 67–86.

吳東英  1998  中國內地與香港的廣告寫作,載李學銘主編《大專寫作. 教學研究集刊》,333 – 343頁,香港:香港理工大學中文及雙語學系出版

Chao, Y. R. 1968. Language and symbolic systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Li, D. C. S. and Costa, V. 2009. Punning in Hong Kong Chinese media: Forms and functions. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 37(1): 77-107.

Masini, F. 1997. The formation of Modern Chinese lexicon and its evolution toward a national language. The period from 1840 to 1898, 譯文載黃河淸編《現代漢語辭彙的形成: 十九世紀漢語外來詞硏究》, 上海:漢語大詞典出版社。

Hannas, W. C. (1997) Asia’s orthographic dilemma. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Mair, V. H. (1991) What is a Chinese ‘dialect/topolect’?: Reflections on some key Sino-English linguistic terms. Sino-Platonic Papers, 29: 1-31.

Matthews, S. and Yip, V. (2011) Cantonese: A comprehensive grammar. New York: Routledge.

Ramsey, S. R. (1987) The languages of China.  Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Kilgarriff, A., Huang, C., Rychly, P., Smith, S. & Tugwell, D. (2005) Chinese word sketches. In Ooi, B. Y. V., Pakir, A., Talib, I. B. S., Tan, L., Tan, K. W. P. & Tan, Y. Y. (eds.), Words in Asian cultural context: proceedings of the 4th ASIALEX conference. National University of Singapore, 1-3/06/05.



Last Updated: 5th November, 2018 12:38 ante meridiem post meridiem